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Tugging Around Oswego Harbor - William Leighton Exhibit

Through photographs, watercolors, and scale models, Leighton’s impressions of tugboats provide a vivid portrait of Oswego Harbor in the 20th century and echo the essential nature of tugboats to harbor operations.  As a professional photographer and twenty-eight-year veteran of the Palladium Times, Leighton’s (1925-2017) love for the workhorse of the water is on full display May 18 through December 22, 2024.

Oswego Paddlefest 2024 - Details & Registration

The H. Lee White Maritime Museum presents Oswego Paddlefest, Saturday, July 13, 2024. The event is in its 10th year and encourages kayakers and canoeists to enjoy and appreciate the unique beauty of the historic Oswego Canal/River. Paddlers will experience locking through 4 actual canal locks. 
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